The other day, I had a Funko thought. How do we help people to dream – to make their dreams reality? The other day, I had a Funko notion. How do we remind people that their dreams can become reality? The other day I asked God how. How do we encourage people, to imagine and see their imagination take shape? The other day, I had a Funko moment and then found myself in line to get my Funko.


The other day at San Diego Comic-Con, I met a man who was kind. The other day, I had a Funko, multiverse experience, and found Brain Mariotti signing and taking a photo with me, my son and so, so, many others.


The other day, I thanked God for creating Brian and making these jumbo, Funko, singularities. The other day, I thanked God for blessing him, and his family and for allowing him to see his dream materialize. The other day I praised God for using Brian to provide dreamers tangible ways to take their fandom offline.


The other day, God allowed Funko’s Brian Mariotti, Chief Executive Officer, to have another glorious day


May God Bless You,

Funko’s Brian Mariotti, Chief Executive Officer


“Funko On!


AUHS is a Christian-based, minority-serving university which educates students for careers in healthcare profession. AUHS emphasizes the values of faith in God, love of humankind, and the belief that all people have a right to healthcare and deserve a good quality of life based on wellness of body, mind, and spirit.

The university celebrates diversity and reaches out to groups currently underrepresented in healthcare and research. AUHS provides both accredited undergraduate and graduate curricula, hands-on practical training, and a supportive environment to create competent and compassionate healthcare professionals. Students graduate with self-efficacy and confidence in their ability to provide superior healthcare and leadership for the rest of their lives.