Should I Get a Second Booster Shot?
By Michael Vallez, RN, BSN, MS
If you are over 50, if you are immune compromised or living with an immunocompromised person, then the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommends a second booster vaccination if your last booster was 4 months ago or longer. Separately, all adults who had the Johnson and Johnson vaccine are eligible for an mRNA vaccine which is either the Pfizer or Moderna vaccine. Additionally, if it has been longer than 4 months since your Johnson and Johnson vaccination, the CDC recommends all adults receive an mRNA booster.
Your second booster should be different. In other words, mix and match your second vaccine if you received either the Pfizer or Moderna exclusively. According to preliminary studies by the National Institutes of Health (NIH): “a booster of a different vaccine caused similar or higher antibody responses than a booster of the same vaccine.” This is the rationale behind the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) authorization for using the mix and match strategy.