Have you not heard the message
Seen what He has done
Watched it take on substance
Its effect before we’ve won
Have you not beheld the shaping
“The Way” of dreams long due
Listening to its footsteps
Saying, “He’s done something new”
It is all God’s doing that we are able to function and thrive, even during this unfortunate time of a pandemic. What is more important in this life is God and to spread the Word. Share the importance of His presence, above all. If we put God first, our aspirations and dreams will be God’s priority to give that to us. We do not need to see God in order to believe in Him. The beauty of God is the most powerful reminder that we always have to seek Him first and foremost. The wonders of God are everlasting and forevermore. Psalms 119:18 states:
“Open my eyes, that I may behold wondrous things out of your law.”
God has ultimate control on what we do and what we plan on. Our knowledge of the past is imperfect at best. In addition, our relationships have power and meaning. If we want to establish and have a stronger relationship with God, we must look to Him first above all things. It is imperative to realize and acknowledge that God has put us on this Earth and blessed us as we are growing and developing. While there is always the possibility of doubt when we reach out to Him, remind yourselves daily that God is always going to be there for you and give you the answers you need.
May God Bless You All.