School of Medicine Dean Addresses Hungarian-American Academicians 

School of Medicine Dean Addresses Hungarian-American Academicians 

By Sandor Szabo, MD, PhD, MPH, Founding Dean of the School of Medicine 

Dr. Sandor Szabo, Founding Dean of the AUHS School of Medicine was an invited speaker delivering a presentation on “Long COVID is Real – but Its Pathogenesis Is Still a Mystery, and Its Pharmacology Is Pitiful” at the 7th Annual Conference of the AHAA, April 19-22, 2023. AHAA stands for the Association of Hungarian-American Academicians, i.e., the organization consisting of about 85 external members of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences (HAS) in the USA.  He also chaired a session on “Updates on Long COVID” with presentations by other academicians.  This session will be repeated and expanded in early May in Budapest, Hungary, during the 196th Annual Meeting of the HAS.