Righteousness, Peace, and Joy in the Kingdom 

Righteousness, Peace, and Joy in the Kingdom 

Salt and Light 

By Brent Davis, Campus Ministry Coordinator 

Last month we focused on our relationship with Christ as the true meaning of Christianity. This month, I would like to follow up with that by talking about our focus in the Kingdom of God.  Our ministry, Salt and Light, is based on the parables from the Sermon on the Mount by Jesus where He explains what life is like in the Kingdom of God, which is in one sense all creation, but more especially the realm where people are gathered under God’s rule. In practice this gathering means the church or a group like our campus ministry because relationships are at the heart of Christianity, not rituals or traditions (Romans 14). 

Our relationships in the kingdom should have three characteristics: safety, growth, and service (can’t think of an ‘s’ word that means growth, can you?). One word that captures that is love. God is love (1 John 4: 8). Love one another (John 13: 34, 35). Love is the theme of all the commandments (Matthew 22: 37-40). 

Our ministry should be a place where you are safe to share your struggles and find acceptance and strength. Our ministry should be a place where you will develop a more Christ-like character, and develop your gifts. Finally, we want to work as a team to serve the underserved and bring the Kingdom of God to the lost and hurting around us. Join us!