Dr. Caroll Ryan hosts the Q4 University Update

Dr. Ryan with students and AUHS staffIt was an exciting afternoon on Wednesday, October 11, 2017. Many of our students attended the Q4 University Update and interacted with AUHS faculty and staff. The opening prayer was lead by Pastor Gregory Johnson, founder of AUHS. Dr. Caroll Ryan, President, and CEO of American University of Health Sciences hosted this event and mentioned several exciting news items, discussed the State of the University and mentioned the new programs that are actively being developed, namely:

  • Doctor of Pharmacy
  • Pharmacy Tech Certificate
  • Graduate Certificate in Clinical Research
  • Bachelor of Science in Healthcare Administration

She also presented the following programs on our strategic plan for future development which include:

  • Doctor of Nursing Practice
  • Master of Science in Nursing
  • Master of Business Administration

The administration plans to be moving in to Building 2 by January 2018.

Dr. Scott Amundsen, Provost/CAO welcomed Dr. Pedro Morante, Kathleen Precora (Peds), and Kimberly Advincula (OB), the new faculty in the School of Nursing and mentioned the additional new clinical sites in Orange County. Dr. Mok Chong, Associate Dean of Experiential Education, School of Pharmacy (SOP) and Director of General Education was excited to share the plans for the SOP Leadership line-up and hiring of new faculty for the School of Pharmacy. The application and self-study report for the Accreditation Council for Pharmacy Education (ACPE) is expected to be sent in January 2018. Dr. Amundsen welcomed Dr. Arjun Dutta and introduced him as a new addition to AUHS SOP family.

Upcoming course evaluations will be on the 5th week and 10th week of the quarter. Dr. Sisi Chen, Director of Institutional Research, mentioned the importance of student’s response. These evaluations help improve the many aspects of the university and provide students a voice regarding the course, faculty, staff, and university as a whole.

Ms. Amarri Sanders, the Student Success Coordinator, presented the tutoring schedules and AUHS’ current N-Clex pass rate. Ms. Jennifer Sanchez, the new Career Services/Business Affiliation Coordinator, announced the upcoming workshop entitled “Dress To Impress.” The purpose of this workshop is to help the students prepare for future job opportunities. Updates on Financial Aid were provided by Ms. Venuz Cruz, the Financial Aid Administrator.

There are eight upcoming events this fall quarter and students will have more opportunities to serve the community and volunteer to complete the required 100 hours community service before graduation.

The next University Update session will be held on January 17, 2018.