10th Work Anniversary Reflection
By Alma Pineda, Registrar
So, what does one decade of being an AUHS employee mean to me? What are the lessons I have learned for the past 10 years and made me the person I am today?
There are a few lessons I’ve learned along the way, and a lot of things that keep me going every single day.
1. Ora Et Labora
In this past 1 decade of service, my thoughts turned to Ora Et Labora. My elementary and high school Latin motto from St. Benedict, which means Pray and Work.
And growing up, my parents would always tell us… in everything, you pray and work diligently at the same time.
Prayer and work go hand in hand. Always be constant and consistent in prayer and at the same time, be consistent with our actions and with our work ethic.
2. Let everything you do be done in love. 1st Corinthians Chapter 16 Verse 14
Oftentimes, it’s not just the work that we love. It’s the reward and
satisfaction we get after doing it well and helping others reach their goals.
We should always be motivated and inspired by God’s love for us and
let love and kindness be the motivation behind all that we do.
3. LUPIN – As they say, there is no perfect organization.
Some people may not be always what you expect them to be, some situations may test our patience, or we may even experience some exclusion from others.
But we should not be swayed away by some unpleasant experiences that come our way but instead pray for God’s guidance, focus on being efficient and productive, be professional, and we must always remember
to value and care for all our students and act in their best interests.
May we always foster LUPIN everyday as we work together as one, i.e., Love, Unity, Peace, Integrity, and No negativity.
I am blessed to be working with a great company and a group of hardworking people and would like to thank them from the bottom of my heart for being with me throughout this journey.
And I’d like to thank Ms. Kim and Pastor for giving me the opportunity to be a part of AUHS family.
Let’s always think positive and be positive. Thank you!